Friday, November 20, 2009


I need to post on here more often. Yep. Humm.... well ive been working on a novel for National Novel Writing Month. Im at slightly more than 30,000 words and only a few thousand behind my target for this far into the month. Im hoping the book will end up at about 100K but thats gonna take some serious effort. I know that most people tend to write way too much and then go and delete all the extra crap in their revision. Me I tend to have my characters walking and talking on an empty stage, no scene description, no environment, and minimal characterization at least on the first time through. I mostly focus on dialogue and getting the characters where they need to be at a given time in the story and seeing what happens next. For me the first re-write is adding in a lot of that detail that I skipped the first time because I tend to write fast. Its at least the second or third re-write before i start taking stuff out. So for right now im just focused on getting words down on the paper, getting the word count up to some semblance of something and exploring my outline enough to know what needs to be added in the next draft. Dont mistake me, the prose is terrible, I realize this. but im having fun and thats what counts right?
in other news my first race (5K) is this sunday evening. Im getting nervous, kinda worried im gonna be the last one across the finnish line and everyone will be laughing cause i have to stop running and walk so much. Im pretty sure thats not how it will really go.. but there's that little voice in the back of my head already laughing at me. Oh well. wish me luck.