Thursday, May 28, 2009


So for years there was a steady group of us that maintained (more or less) active blogs at a lil place called bloghorn. It has long since shut down and I find I miss the activity. Jes still blogs some and it would be nice to get some of the old crowd back into blogging.
Jeff and I just went down to Key West for the holiday weekend. All I can say is its a good thing that he now has his spiffy new job here in town cause otherwise we would both be looking for work down in the Keys. Not that here in Florida isnt wonderful, it is... but the keys... wowsers. Jeff's brother and his fam just moved down there and I can solidly say im jealous. Ask me again after they get clocked by a few hurricanes, but ill bet ill still be jealous. Its that nice. We went snorkling (spelling?) twice, shopped a bunch on Duval street, hit the pubs and participated in the drunken revelry. We also went on a ghost tour which was wicked cool. Spooky stories and neato locations. We did the traditional sunset in Mallory Square. I even went running one morning (im so proud of me).
In other news Jeff and I are doing well on our plot to eat better and exercise more. Of course he's dropped a serious chunk of weight and the scale hasnt moved much for me...but its about health and not the numbers right?
The dogs and the birds (3 dogs and 4 birds) continue to do well. Ruger (the shepherd with kidney problems) continues to surprise us all and still has no idea he's sick so we're happy about that. Overall I really dont have much on the deep and meaningful side of things to say... but wanted to get back in the habit of blogging so I guess I gotta start somewhere.

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