i should post something. It should be terribly interesting and witty and ... you get the idea. However I really don't have that much to report. Jeff and I are about to take the dogs down to Cocoa village for some espresso and rambling about. We are pet sitting a small and adorable kitty cat for a client of mine and even Jeff (notoriously anti-cat) seems to like her. He said something like "this would be a great cat for some friends of ours to have, so we could go visit her and play with her." I thought it was cute especially since he said it with her upside down on his lap purring her little heart out with him rubbing her belly. The birds are working on some new phrases but they aren't clear enough to translate yet. Its a lot like having a two year old... they speak but sometimes you have to know what it is that they are trying to say to understand it. It does make me more aware of how i pronounce things because they are mostly mimicking me. My favorite lately was when one bird (Juju) said 'how are you?' and then the second bird (Pulo) replied 'I'm good, how are you?'. They are often better than TV. Jeff and I are still... still... still... working on the house. Its a lot like those games you played as a kid where it was a bunch of tiles in a square and you had to move one tile so you could move the next tile so you could eventually make the picture. Thats what my house is like at the moment. A work in progress..
time to head out.. more later
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
trying this running thing again/more/still etc. Mapped out a 3.1 mile route from my house and back. made it in 45 minutes... not gonna break any speed records but i did it. Kate (the poodle) thought it was a good time even if i did have to walk here and there. i even did a few pushups and dips when i got back home.. now im TIRED.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The 5 day weekend was nice. Jes and Elliot were in town and we managed to hit the beach, the zoo, cocoa village and several other spots. The weather was typical for florida for this time of year. The family is rolling on without Ruger as difficult as it is. It was the right decision at the right time, but I still wish it could have been different. In family additions, a client came in today with a Veiled Chameleon that she found walking down a major road in town. She's a cat person, so she brought it to the only reptile person she knows (me). So shes gonna put up some signs and see if anyone claims him. Otherwise he may be moving in at least temporarily. I spent the evening converting a rabbit cage to a chameleon cage (think soft screen and zip ties). He and his 12 crickets (ick) are now happily hanging out on the porch in their freshly misted pothos plant (probably toxic). He's huge, about the length of my arm from fingertip to elbow if you include almost all of his tail, one of the biggest ones ive ever seen. He needs a name, and no its not gonna be Karma.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sleep Well Old Friend

Hello all, it is with a sad heart that I have to report that we had Ruger put to sleep yesterday evening. As many of you know, he was one of the greatest German Shepherd's ever. Kind and sweet and friendly unlike so many of his breed. He was that once in a lifetime dog for me and i wish everyone could expreience the kind of bond that I shared with him. He had been sick for some time. I relaized last night that it had been 4 years since he had been diagnosed with kidney cysts that should have killed him in 6 months. I got a lot more time than I was expecting, but it was still hard to see him go. He will be missed.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
i feel a little better. im trying to make a few changes to see if it will help my overall mood/stress level. I went back to the gym today as the first step. I always feel better when im getting regular exercise and lately i really like running, treadmill or outdoors. 35 min total, 2.5 miles. Im pleased even tho its damn slow by most peoples standards. Im going to make a major push to start going to the gym before work. If i would just get up when jeff gets up instead of laying in bed and pretending to sleep for 40 more minutes.. i would really have enough time to go to the gym, shower there and make it to work on time. im gonna also try for a more regular bed time, and less of this staying up to midnight just to read a book ive already read before. Maybe less computer time right before bed ( 'they' say that it can make it harder to fall asleep.) We'll see. hopefully it will help and ill be sleeping more soon and therefor much happier. wish me luck
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