Thursday, June 11, 2009

busy day

So i got up this morning, got some errands done, then came back home and mowed the lawn (front and back) the grass is really doing well right now thanks to the daily monsoons.. so its super thick.. took more than an hour and usually it takes about 20 minutes. Guess its the time of year where we get to mow every 4 days... tell me again why you think i need to fertilize my lawn - cause i think youre crazy. Then I did a couple of loads of laundry and washed some dishes. Go me. Then jeff came home from work and we went out to the sailboat to get started on the huge list of projects. The seats in the cockpit are wood and after years out in the sun and rain and such they have rotted to the point of no longer being weight bearing. (kinda squishy in fact) So Jeff got some spiffy plywood and started the project of replacing them while I worked on setting the solar panel back up (its been disconnected for maybe 2 years?) so that we will have power again on the boat. I only lost one nut and one wrench overboard. I actually went into the water after the wrench. Too bad the bottom of the marina is about 12 inches of goo (yes it was gross) instead of a nice solid sandy bottom.. so no luck on finding the wrench. Oh well. Jeff was kind enough not to laugh at me too much. I did also figure out that the barnacles that are coating the bottom of the boat will come off pretty easily. I guess thats the point of the super expensive bottom paint used on these boats. So I scrubbed a maybe 2 foot square area... which now sticks out like a sore thumb. But assuming the solar panel spends the next day or two charging the batteries and once the seats are done.. we will be a huge step closer to actually being able to use the boat. Now all i need is a motor. Anyone got a line on a cheap 10 (or so) hp extra long shaft (25 inches i think) outboard for cheap?

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